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Create a company profileYelp connects people with great local businesses. Our users have contributed approximately 155 million cumulative reviews of almost every type of local business, from restaurants, boutiques and salons to dentists, mechanics, plumbers and more. These reviews are written by people using Yelp to share their everyday local business experiences, giving voice to consumers and bringing “word of mouth” online.
Sirqul™ ( provides an IoT EaaS (Engagement as a Service) Platform with 72 APIs and over 30 customizable native application templates.
Vioguard is committed to developing innovative products that will help stop the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses.
Gemini is a licensed digital asset exchange and custodian. We built the Gemini platform so customers can buy, sell, and store digital assets (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Zcash) in a regulated, secure, and compliant manner.
Rakuten Marketing empowers marketers to transcend the conventional and achieve the full potential of digital marketing. We deliver data-driven personalized ad experiences that engage consumers – across screens, platforms and traditional publishers – and influence them to purchase. Our commitment to transparency provides consumer journey insights th
With AI and microlearning technologies under the hood, Snack is the very first smart TaaS (Training as a Service) company providing an all-in-one, affordable, flexible, and on-demand mobile-oriented training experience to businesses.