company? Let’s change
Based in Seattle, WA, ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of used books in the world, having sold more than 100 million books since its inception. Founded in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates 8 fulfillment centers in the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and collectible books.
Bizooku is changing the future of mobile - with you in mind. We believe that every customer should have the tools that allow them to invent whatever they want to through mobile. We offer a powerful contextual and adaptive mobile platform, that is disrupting the nature of mobile engagement.
At 100% Security, we understand these risks. Our team of experts helps organizations of all kinds keep up to date on all current security protocols. We do a full assessment of your systems, identify areas that need additional data security, work on compliance, and even train your staff. And we do it on time and within your budget.
Dinerware provides restaurant point of sale software solutions to the hospitality industry. Dinerware can be found in upscale restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, bar and grills, fast casual restaurants, counter service establishments, quick serve restaurants, hotels, casinos, golf courses and wineries.
At Trustwork, we are building a technology business that is revolutionizing the real estate maintenance and construction industry. We are tech-enabling real economy consumers and pros with a best-in-class core software platform; a B2B payments product and a fully tech-enabled operations unit.
The Founder Institute is the world’s premier idea-stage accelerator and startup launch program. Through a challenging curriculum and strong post-program support, we provide aspiring entrepreneurs with structure, mentorship, and a network to start an enduring company.
At Aserto we want to help every SaaS application authorize like a great Enterprise application. Meeting the enterprise bar requires fine-grained permissions, role- and attribute-based access control, flexible and custom roles, integration with numerous enterprise identity providers and directories, and complete authorization logs to meet a growing list of data and privacy compliance standards. Today, engineering teams have to invest considerable effort in building, maintaining, and evolving a “table stakes” set of capabilities that are tricky to get right, yet aren’t visible to the end-user and don’t offer meaningful differentiation. From the enterprise customer’s perspective, the IT teams that operate these SaaS applications have to live in dozens (or hundreds) of different permissions consoles - a fractured, error-prone, frustrating experience resulting in misconfigurations, data leaks, and manual, soul-crushing compliance audits. No wonder everyone we talk to feels like authorization is broken! At Aserto, we want to address these pain points at the source: by creating a simple, opinionated framework that engineers can use to easily incorporate authorization into their applications. Engineers win by integrating a modern, cloud-native service instead of having to reinvent the wheel. SaaS vendors win by shortening sales cycles with an enterprise-ready set of authorization capabilities, satisfying the infamous “enterprise requirements spreadsheet”. IT teams win by leveraging consistent, reusable authorization policies across their applications. Compliance teams win by having comprehensive authorization logs that help them easily meet audit requirements.
Find simple, innovative solutions for your complex marketing challenges with our A-team of entrepreneurial thinkers, creative storytellers and visionary project managers.
The fastest way to see and share availability no matter what calendar platform you use. Sync online calendars with friends, family members & coworkers.
FlavorCloud makes international shipping and returns easy, affordable and friction-free, “anywhere to anywhere”. A pulg service that integrates directly into shopping carts of brands offering a powerful, one-click international checkout opt. We enable DTC brands and 3PLs go global.
BluHaptics offers software to assist autonomy with high-value tasks carried out by unmanned systems--tasks that must be executed correctly the first time in an unstructured and/or dynamic environment. Our software solutions give operators high-levels of confidence and assurance at the man-machine interface and maximize operational effectiveness in
Xinova's global market network of over 12,000 innovators wake up every day believing that each problem is an opportunity to find a solution no one ever thought of. We work with companies far and wide to discover big solutions to the world's problems, help foster innovation in the marketplace and breathe life into new products.
Holmes US is an interdisciplinary engineering firm with offices in Boulder, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle. We're part of the international Holmes Group, with offices in New Zealand, Australia, and Europe.
We design how brands and people come together. Hornall Anderson is a collective of strategists, designers, writers and connectors. We imagine and craft enduring, brand-driven solutions to complex business challenges that draw from and contribute to the human experience.
Exponential Entertainment is a digital media entertainment company that connects and entertains people through immersive gameplay.
All companies are buying and selling, exchanging everything from raw materials to services to finished goods. Collectively, these companies form a massive, globe-spanning supply chain. That supply chain is undergoing a digital transformation — and that transformation is ushering in a new era of business transactions. Globys is determined to lead th
GTS Distribution is a leading wholesale distributor of everything gaming, toys, sports and entertainment collectibles since 1976. We do not sell to the general public, but please feel free to browse our products, and when you see something you like, go to your local Hobby Shop, and tell them you saw it at!
HEROCLIP, a Lulabop brand, is an active lifestyle product brand located in Seattle, WA. We produce simple solutions for everyday challenges.
At uGen, we’re bringing our talents and years of game industry experience to today’s most exciting and cutting edge technology—virtual reality.
Hi, my name is Jake and I’ve been an options trader for over 5 years. I come from a very humble background, not from a rich family but rich in spirituality and love. Never made more than 30K in a year for most of my adult life, until discovering trading options. I am 31 years old and when I’m not trading I like practicing Yoga, Meditation and doing volunteer work and charitable service. No college degree. I dropped out of college two times and highschool. Your success in trading does not depend on how long you have been trading. It is a function of how much information, tips, and tricks you can garner and learn to aid your trades.