Pip, pip hooray: 5 Python bootcamps in Seattle that you should know

Written by Alyssa Schroer
Published on Mar. 12, 2019
Pip, pip hooray: 5 Python bootcamps in Seattle that you should know

Python is the number one programming language developers want to learn in 2019, according to a recent report by HackerRank. Not surprising considering the versatility and popularity of the language. Major companies like Instagram, Spotify, Venmo and Amazon use Python for a a variety of needs including process automation, web application development and data science. As a result, Python bootcamps that teach the basics or completely cover the ins and outs of language are growing. Whether you're looking to start a new career or just want to expand your coding skillset, you'll find what you're after at one of these Python bootcamps in Seattle.

Top Python Bootcamps in Seattle

  • Code Fellows
  • Coding Dojo
  • Galvanize
  • General Assembly
  • The Tech Academy


code fellows python bootcamps seattle
Code Fellows

Overview: Code Fellows offers multiple software development courses including an advanced course in Python designed for students with previous knowledge in software development. The course gives students all the tools needed to understand full stack projects, create secure web apps and develop a portfolio of Python projects. 

Duration: 10 weeks (20 weeks for nights and weekend course)

Location: Downtown

Cost: $12,000


coding dogo python bootcamps seattle
coding dojo

Overview: Coding Dojo provides a full-time development program with a comprehensive curriculum in web development. The bootcamp dives deep into not only Python but three full stacks that also include MEAN and .NET. The goal of the program is to give students with the skills necessary to be self-sufficient developers that are highly marketable and versatile in the tech industry.

Duration: 14 weeks

Location: Bellevue

Cost: $13,995


galvanize python bootcamps seattle

Overview: Galvanize is a coworking space and education provider for the tech industry. Unlike other programs that offer advanced Python courses, Galvanize provides a fundamental Python course for beginners. It's designed for professionals like analysts, product managers or business managers looking to enter the world of of data science.

Duration: 6 weeks

Location: Pioneer Square

Cost: $2,100


general assembly python bootcamps seattle
general assembly

Overview: General Assembly has a wide reach with campuses all over the United States and provides multiple online and on-site courses that prepare students for careers in tech. In addition to their immersive software engineering course where Python is taught, General Assembly also offers a part-time Python programming course. Students can pursue a number of career paths ranging from more traditional work in game or website development to artificial intelligence and special effects in films.

Duration: 10 weeks

Location: Downtown

Cost: $3,950


The Tech Academy

Overview: Located just south of Seattle in Renton, The Tech Academy offers multiple development courses that include both comprehensive curriculum or more specific courses that focus on one area like Python. The Python course also covers other languages to ensure a well-rounded curriculum and includes a Python-focused project so students have real experience to add to resumes.

Duration: 15 weeks

Location: Renton

Cost: $6,750


All images via Shutterstock and social media.

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