DoubleDown Interactive: Built In Seattle’s Featured Company of the Month

This mobile gaming company keeps fun and passion at the center of its company culture.

Written by Conlan Carter
Published on Apr. 05, 2024
Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock
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If there’s a cheat code for leveling up team collaboration skills in a stress-free way, team game time would be it.  

Coworkers that play games together, work better together. In a recent study from Brigham Young University, teams experienced a 20 percent productivity boost after playing video games together for 45 minutes. Employees care deeply about working together, especially in the low-stakes context of game time.

Nearly 75 percent of employees see teamwork and collaboration as essential to a functioning workplace, according to a report from Queens University of Charlotte.

In-office game time can be useful beyond collaboration. Training sessions are sometimes gamified to increase engagement and knowledge retention, and many remote and hybrid teams have regularly scheduled virtual group games to foster problem-solving skills and a stronger sense of workplace camaraderie.

Built In Seattle’s featured company of the month, DoubleDown Interactive LLC, is all too familiar with the unifying power of games. With values that promote an inclusive, collaborative approach to gaming, this mission-driven company is perfect for Seattle professionals who have a passion for teamwork and games.


What they do: DoubleDown Interactive LLC is a global leader in mobile casino games with a focus on new, casual mobile gaming experiences.


Games bringing people together: For a gaming company whose mission is to provide unique gaming experiences to every player, DoubleDown Interactive knows more than most companies that games can bring people together. In a recent conversation with Built In Seattle, Digital and Channel Marketing Manager Zooey Soulignny shared that the DoubleDown team gathers together in small teams to play games as a bonding experience. The company also launched a new set of company values late last year, focusing on passion, inclusivity and collaboration with a new recognition and reward system on the way. 

Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies